Transportation Demonstration Project

Project Narrative – References

  1. Accident Data as Reported by Railroads
  2. Deed Transfer
  3. National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems
  4. Mobile County Census
  5. Martin Associates, Inc.
  6. TEU
  7. AEGIR Review of Proposed ASPA TDP Grant Application for Proposed Mobile Logistics Park
  8. 2019 Master Plan Update
  9. ASPA TDP Benefits Assessment Model
  10. Electricity Generation
  11. U.S. Department of Commerce
  12. 2021 Airports: USA Enplanement Forecasts
  13. Frontier Service
  14. Letters of Support
  15. Mobile Metropolitan Airport System Study, Final Report
  16. Record of Decision
  17. Master Plan, Mobile Downtown Airport
  18. Martin Associates, Inc. 2019 Economic Impact Assessment
  19. Detailed Cost Estimate
  20. Accident Data as Reported by Railroads